Posts Tagged ‘alcohol’

Frat’s booze-fueled sex orgy for a good cause

February 8, 2010

The Badger Herald has once again shown its disregard for human decency and compassion by publishing the complaint the Overture Center filed against the AEPi fraternity, whose members graciously gave up their Friday night to drink and have sex for charity.

The numerous allegations seem to imply that the alcohol consumption and love-making were not done in the name of B’nai B’rith, the international Jewish charity for whom AEPi raised $2,100 that night. The accusations of rude behavior and name-calling, one of which comes from a coat-check employee who says several members called her “a bitch,” also miss the point that the fraternity members were simply delegating orders to subordinates for the sake of the mission. While these employees were profiting off a charitable cause, the fraternity brothers’ only payment was dizzying inebriation, a nauseating hangover and a sexually transmitted infection.

According to the director of Madison Symphony Orchestra, who clearly could not handle being close to the grit that accompanies community service, “the fraternity was disgusting and they left trash all over the place.” The one valid complaint came from an employee who found a male and female having sex in a men’s stall. It hardly seems like the couple’s sex was contributing to the cause if it was done in private, however, their sexual indiscretion is very likely due to the copious amount of alcohol they publicly consumed for B’nai B’rith.

ALRC student vote passes committee

October 6, 2009

Ald. Bryon Eagon’s proposal to add a student voting member to the Alcohol License Review Committee was approved by the Common Council Organizational Committee and now awaits approval by the full Council.

After making a series of language changes, Eagon succeeded at winning the votes of Council President Tim Bruer and Ald. Mark Clear, both of whom voted against the original proposal on September 1. Along with the votes of Eagon and Alds. Marsha Rummel and Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, the measure passed 5-2, with Alds. Michael Schumacher and Judy Compton voting against.

Compton disapproved of adding a member to the ALRC who may not be old enough to legally drink. However, both Eagon and Bidar-Sielaff see potential in the possible addition of an underage member. Both believe the underage student population is under-represented in the city’s entertainment and social options. For instance, Eagon openly voiced disappointment last month when developer Scott Acker ditched plans to create a restaurant/bar at University Sq. after dealing with a skeptical ALRC. Supporters of the project saw the bar as a venue where 21+ students and their underage friends could socialize.

For more on the language, go to Bryon Eagon’s blog.